Tell you how to choose a hundred delicious chicken like a raw chicken or pre-meat chicken
To have a meal with delicious chicken dishes, the first condition, you must choose for yourself a delicious chicken. However, this is not a small challenge for most women. On the food forum, many sisters told each other how to choose delicious chicken to make the Tet tray more complete. How to choose raw chicken Rooster Tasty roosters have bright red crests, flexible eyes. Rooster is an indispensable dish on the Tet tray, especially the New Year's Eve offering. According to experienced women, a rooster has firm, delicious meat, a chicken with a bright red crest, flexible eyes, and not lethargy. Holding 2 chickens of the same size, you find that the chicken feels heavier, that chicken has firmer meat. The fur is smooth, close to the body. The beak is sharp, there is no slime in the beak. Chicken legs are straight, slender; The skin of the feet is golden and shiny. The cock must be short because if it is long, it means that the chicken is old. The chicken ...